10 Cities That Will Pay You To Live There

Moving from one city to another can be fun. Especially because you get to experience new adventures, meet new people and so much more. But vert few people are aware that some cities will actually give you money to reside in them.
If you could use a change in scenery, why not get paid to move somewhere.

1. The Entire province of Saskatchewan, Canada.


Saskatchewan launched a Graduate Retention Programme to attract and keep more college graduates to live in it’s province. Their payment come as reimbursement in tuition fees that you have paid during college. Although you will have to file a Saskatchewan income tax return and must be a more recent graduate. Check this link to see if your alma mater is on their list of pre approved institutions, and to get full details on eligibility and benefits.

2. Harmony, Minnesota, US

Living in big cities isn’t for everyone. For those looking for a small town life, Harmony Minnesota is making an offer you may not be able to refuse. The town of Harmony will provide home-builders a cash rebate of $5,000-$12,000 to cover cost of construction and the programme has zero age, income or residency constrictions.

3. Niagra Falls, New York, US.


The city of Niagra falls, New York is offering to pay around $3,500 towards your college bill if you rent or buy a home there. Plus, you’ll live right next to one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

4. Detroit, Michigan, US.

Over the past few years, Detroit has encountered some major issues with their economy. This is probably why they have made a lot of incentives to bring new people into the city. With their Live Midtown and Live Downtown projects, college graduates can get $2,500 for the first year and $1,000 second year allowance to help with the cost of renting in those areas. They are offering $20,000 forgivable loan to be used for the purchase of a home or $3,000 in rental assistance.

5. Baltimore, Maryland, US

Baltimore was home to nearly 1 million people in 1960 but lost one third of its population by 2000. Today, they are attempting to draw people back by offering a variety of home ownership incentives.  The Buying Into Baltimore program gives a limited number of people $5,000 toward the purchase of a home in the city. To be eligible, you have to attend a Buying Into Baltimore event and meet other qualifications. The Vacants to Value program gives people up to $10,000 to purchase a formerly vacant, renovated house. Other assistance is available for people with low incomes or who work for certain employers.

6. New Haven, Connecticut, US

This US city offers $10,000 loans for down payments or closing costs on houses, all of which is forgiven after five years if the resident doesn’t sell the house during that time. They also offer $30,000 loans for energy living home upgrades all of which is forgiven after 10 years. The city will guarantee free tuition at any in-state public college for any student who graduates from a New Haven public school in good academic standing.

7. 70% of the State of Kansas, US

If you are willing to live in Alaska for at least 190 days a year, then you can take advantage of the wealth of oil royalties that the state enjoys. The states Permanent Fund Dividend Division pays residents who have been in the state at least one full year. 640,000 residents received a rebate of $1,884 per person in 2014 and the average looks like it hangs around $1,200 a year. The largest rebate was $3,269 in 2008 and the smallest was $331.29 in 1984. Get the full details of the program at http://pfd.alaska.gov/

8. Hawaii, US


While you're not technically going to get paid just to relocate to Hawaii in this scenario, the state is looking to fill 1,600 teaching positions for the fall and is aggressively recruiting mainland talent right now in order to do so. (There is a $10,000 bonus to be paid out over three years for those able to teach special education classes in all grades and a $3,000 bonus if you work in certain rural areas.) If you've ever dreamed of living in paradise, even if just for a few years, now might be the time to make it happen. To be eligible, you must have a bachelor's degree and have completed a State Approved Teacher Education Program.

9. Curtis, Nebraska, US.

How’d you like to build your dream home — without spending a dime on the land itself? It’s possible in Curtis, NebraskaConstruct a home within a set amount of time (and according to certain specifications), and you’ll receive the land free in the town’s Roll’n Hills subdivision.

10. Anywhere in Alaska, US.

This is probably the most famous example of a geographical incentive. Since 1976, Alaska has paid its residents to live there via its Permanent Fund Reserve. The payouts are funded by Alaska’s oil royalties and are divided up evenly among citizens. Yearly payouts vary: In 1984, each Alaskan got $331.29, but the check fattened to $3,269 in 2008 with a one-time $1,200 Alaska Resource Rebate.
Generally, residents can expect an average of about $1,250. Not too shabby just for being there!
To be eligible for the rebate, you must not claim residency in any other state or country. Check out the full details here.

Your turn: would you move to any of these places?

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